Failed productivity experiment: Reading Blogs

I decided with a friend that we would reading interesting blogs from OpenAI, DeepMind, GoogleAI and more. Tracking was done on this sheet. We reasoned that reading these blogs with help us get a good overivew of the state-of-the-art research...

Problem with Johann Hari's argument on addiction

In this article, I talk about my experience challenging arguments of addiction put fort by Kurzgesagt with Johann Hari a few years back. During my time off after my undergrad studies, I started taking online courses from a wide range...

The importance of visualization

I want to talk about the importance of visualizing and imagining concepts while learning them. This is something I should be doing much more of. Wrote this after listening to Mason’s interesting insights on the topic. This is put much...

Successful productivity experiment: Success Partners

On April 19th, Naveen and I were on call recording a podcast on our attempts with productivity (which was an experiment and will never see the light of day). During the conversation, we came up with a wonderful idea that...

My view on Deep Work

Naveen asked me to write for him. Reposting my response here. Below is his note to me. Surya, I understand you like the work of Cal Newport on Deep Work which you have been for quite some time. I was...

Spencer Greenberg's writings

Spencer’s posts are by far the most valuable things I’ve come across on Facebook. Posting the ones I like the most here (mostly for me to refer back easily in future). Cool reboot Motivation on projects Behaviours that lead to...

Getting over feeling lazy

We often feel tired and lazy, it’s not a good state of mind to be in. Here, I talk about a few things you can do to feel better. Things you need to check/do when you’re feeling lazy or tired....

How hard is learning state-of-the-art?

I have this feeling that understanding state-of-the-art algorithms in any field is very hard. I keep reasoning that this is because the brightest minds in the field are working on it, and I’m not the brightest of minds. In this...

Learnings from Maharshi (The Movie)

The first half of Maharshi was incredibly inspiring and best I’ve watched till date. I liked it that much because I could relate to it well and what I’m going through in my life. Below, I mention some characteristics of...

Qualities of an expert

Below are the qualities of an expert in my field. I need to spending time gaining more skills in move in that direction. Ability to write flawless code Never satisfied, hardest worker in the room Can visualize intuituions of all...