The first half of Maharshi was incredibly inspiring and best I’ve watched till date. I liked it that much because I could relate to it well and what I’m going through in my life. Below, I mention some characteristics of Rishi that I find inspiring.
No fear of judgement: Rishi’s ability to not care about what others think of him and doing what he feels is correct. In my case, I’m afraid of judgment to a level that I clearly see is impeding the potential I could reach.
Eloquency: Rishi can explain what he thinks very well. This is probably because he ruminated on these questions for long ahead of time. I need to do the same, think closely about common questions that I come across in conversations (and maybe write down my response to it).
Clarity: Rishi has stunning clarity on his goals.
Candid: Rishi says whatever is on his mind. Doesn’t try to sugarcoat it.
Self defense: His ability to physically defend himself when people come at him. Likely a result of long hours of practicing some form like MMA.
Value for time: Rishi walks aways quickly from many conversations so that he can do something more important. Doesn’t cling on to explaining his perspective for too long.
Confidence: Rishi speaks very confidently, this is likely a side effect of the above characteristics. He’s confident with what he says and doesn’t try to hide his opinions behind other people who may know better; which is an aspect I need to improve on.
A few places where these characteristics are exemplified:
- Conflicting his dean’s definition of success with a honest critique in front of a big crowd (seems similar to Feynman who was a complete showman). [no fear of judgment, confidence, eloquency, clarity, candid]
- Talking to his professor about his goals with incredible clarity. On why he doesn’t want credit, on his future goals and on best way to achieve them. [confidence, eloquence, clarity, candid]
- Not being afraid to ask people out for coffee. [no fear of judgment]
- Not showing off even though he could solve the most difficult of problems. [clarity, confidence]
- Fearless when someone comes to intimidate him by saying he’s not good enough. He responds with a “I do not care” attitude. [confidence]
- Telling the MLA he’ll pay how much ever he wants in a few years. [clarity, confidence]
- Worries about a 20-year old in news who selling his company for half a billion. [clarity]
- He’s in no hurry to check the results of the exam. He knows they’re not important and wouldn’t affect his career in any significant way. [clarity]
- Inspiring Ravi when he’s low. [clarity on goals]
- Multiple speeches on success, on how everyone has their own definition and on how comparison is senseless. [clarity]
My key takeaways:
- Have stunning clarity and eloquence on all important questions. Can be achieved by writing on all important points.
- Minimize fear of judgment. Can be achieved by doing various comfort zone challenges. By collaborating with people doing the same.
- Focusing on the right things. Focus more on learning than marks. Rishi spent his time working on the AI code instead of getting best marks on assignments.
- Learning self defense techniques like MMA.
- Documenting all the skills as I achieve them on YouTube, Instagram and blogs.