Dream 4 completed
I made a commitment (or dream as I call it) that I will do 20-minutes of 0-distraction reading everyday for a month. I completed the dream, and I have more detailed updates about it below. I restricted this reading to...
I made a commitment (or dream as I call it) that I will do 20-minutes of 0-distraction reading everyday for a month. I completed the dream, and I have more detailed updates about it below. I restricted this reading to...
I tried going 0 procrastination for 74 hours after watching a video (more details). As my story on instagram shows, it has been a big failure. This was a lesson to me that brute force attempt to change behavior doesn’t...
I recently realized that an important thing that I wasn’t considering during my review sessions (weekly/monthly) was “experiences”. The experiences that make me a different person than who I am last week. In this article, I argue the importance of...
I committed myself to a 21 hour challenge (28 May 1pm to 29 May 10am) to understand a seminar at McGill on the following day. The intension was to prepare well and be able to think about the topic as...
People are getting smarter, my two extra years of work doesn’t show up. It’s because I am not improving every year. If I don’t, I’ll always be suseptible of losing to a 19-year old when I’m 30. I want to...
When I have conversations with people, they often ask the “why” questions. Why are you interested in machine learning? Why do you like working out? I find these “why” questions often hard to answer. Why do we like anything, right....
This is my argument of why it’s important to have video lectures recorded for any advanced course. Different people study at different speeds. Some student might want to spend more time thinking and understand a specific concept covered. All of...
I have been battling with procrastination for far too long right now. I am getting incrementally better, but that just isn’t enough. I have to end this once and for all. This blog is a reminder for that and a...
Here’s a recording of the talk that I gave at MILA (cognitive AI reading group). I hope you find it helpful. It didn’t come out as well as I’d like, but don’t wanna rerecord (did these runs too many times,...
Here’s my experience working giving a talk at MILA (cognitive AI reading group) on modeling the brain. I worked with Naveen for preparing for the talk, and it turned out much more effective than I initially would have imagined. The...