People are getting smarter, my two extra years of work doesn’t show up. It’s because I am not improving every year. If I don’t, I’ll always be suseptible of losing to a 19-year old when I’m 30. I want to avoid it as much as possible to keep my vlaue in the market.
Here are a few key things I can do to maintain this value:
- Get valuable experience every year. Turn into a very different person.
- Keep your commitment levels high like Gray Vee, always be super enthusiastic and act like you’re just getting started.
- Be compeitive, even though they’re holding an advantage, do not give up. Keep running at your best speed.
I often see people build cool things in their 9th class, things that I did during my engineering to believe that I was awesome. It’s quite interesting how the generation is changing so fast.
I’m also sure many people who prepared for IIT after me would have a stronger math background than me; just because they focus on education started much earlier for them. I’m not gonna complain, I’m just gonna stay commited and work my best.