I tried going 0 procrastination for 74 hours after watching a video (more details). As my story on instagram shows, it has been a big failure. This was a lesson to me that brute force attempt to change behavior doesn’t work well for me. Need to keep systems in place.

Right now, I’m having the time of my life. Being productive, not procrastinating, consistent on all routines; which led me to think what changed? It’s two things: momentum and systems. I’ve been on a steady streak since three weeks which has given me great momentum and distractions don’t even appear in my mind. The systems I have in place such as having food ready (better to cook more and throw than not having something to eat), spending many hours doing 0-distraction work (and noting all distractions on a paper and attending to them at once), etc. I feel like I’m one of the most disciplined people in the work; each thing I fix now will lead to exponential growth. Quite excited about the future.

This also is more evidence that we need to continuously keep experimenting with new ideas; and have an amazing friend like Naveen Indala to help you out!
