I find it amusing how often our happiness is hostage to a wide range of factors. The most interesting of them is it’s dependance on the kinds of lives people around us are having.
If only you were born 50 years ago, you’d have access to nothing like you have now. The standard of living would have been so less. You don’t have access to consistent electricity or water, let alone 24x7 access to the internet. Now with technology improve so much and making our lives much more awesome, it’s interesting that people’s happiness doesn’t increase. If you were living in that world, and someone says what will make you inredibly happy, you’d choose electricity, water and internet.
Now that we have access to them, our brain recalibrate. Which is quite distribuing. We need to figure out a way to stay happy looking at all the things that we now have access to. Which is hard. When everyone else around has access to the same things, it’s hard to be grateful. But I guess we need to figure out a way.
You’re happiness needs to be the same irrespective of what others do, what others feel. You need to be just as happy if everyone else weren’t conscious. Act and treat them the same way, and thinking about yourself in the same way.